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Export from Knowen

You can export the contents of a whole subtree into a single structured file.

Knowen allows you to export arbitrary subtree into single HTML file. Your browser can convert it into PDF for you. For example, there is an option Save to PDF at the Print menu in Google Chrome.

We are working now on one-click export to $\LaTeX$ and PDF. Meanwhile you will need to use a third-party converter. We recommend Pandoc, which is available on Windows, Mac and Linux. It can produce, among others, $\LaTeX$, epub and docx outputs. The downside is that you will have to run it from the console.

To convert an exported HTML file into $\LaTeX$, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the file with your favorite text editor. Remove the last 9 lines at the end (starting with <script src=" Save this file with .md extension.
  2. Remove the table of contents from the beginning of the file.
  3. To obtain a $\LaTeX$ file, invoke Pandoc with the following command: pandoc -f markdown_github+tex_math_dollars -s -V lang=english -o output_filename.tex Here is the file you saved at step 1, and the output will be written to output_filename.tex. If needed, substitute english with your language name (it will be passed to the babel package in $\LaTeX$). You can substitute .tex with other supported extension like .docx or .epub.
  4. You might want to tweak the $\LaTeX$ source you have gotten before compiling it to PDF. Here is some advice:
    1. You might want to comment out \usepackage{lmodern}
    2. Insert \usepackage{cmap} to support searching in PDF

If you are experiencing problems with conversion, please leave a Feedback or write us an e-mail!