Now you are in the subtree of Testing public knowledge tree. 


What are important elements that need to be tracked to establish reputation?

some ideas from Section 4.4.3. Reputation

• Recent actions have more weights than outdated ones.
• Off-chain interactions that are not recorded on the platform never affects reputation. Exceptions
might include public APIs offered by official research-related organizations, only when the
community agrees.
• High citation counts for a submitted research achievement increases reputation.
• Submitting a quantitative evaluation that is close to the final evaluation during the Blind period
increases the reputation.
• Receiving positive community response for a review increases reputation.
• Receiving positive community response for a submitted research achievement increases reputation.
• Having either a high citation count or a positive community response for an action in On-Demand
Inquiry(both request and answer, addressed in 4.4.4) increases reputation.