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localized but collective LEEs - P

LEEs - low-energy excitations - more general name than TLSs

  • collective and universal

therefore quantum statistics!
collective game is qualitatively different from original individual game - microscopic origin is UNimportant if excitations are collective

  • but localized

therefore different from delocalized critical modes around phase transitions

  • QLTG - quantum low-temperature glasses

SNS is strongly noncrystalline solid

the definition of the consonance between glassons-fermions and phonons-bosons

phonon ($c_s$) parameters, fermion parameters ($m_{gl}$, Fermi velocity $v_F$, etc.), and their coupling $\lambda_{gl-ph}$ are self-consistent.
This structural consistency leads to universality of dimensionless sound friction $Q^{-1}$

Anderson localization of fermions-glassons required by experimental data, therefore Fermi glass
