how to build Lollapalooza in fintech
Step 1: Create the product hook.
In the fast and naturally unpredictable environment of blockchain and cryptos, it is important to build
good (no optimality) synergy and team, so called Lollapalooza[1]
Two main avenues are (multiple blogs - Steve Schlafman[2] , Fred Destin[3] , Jerry Neumann[4] with thoughts on Kelly follow-ups)
- a startup with evolving ideas
- Venture Capital effort with seed entries, reasonable diversification is useful here
Neccessary (Angels - Calacanis[5], ...)
- to build a small effective team
- have operational ability at multiple levels of the technology, capital and trading
- to build prototypes effectively and implement the full implementation and monetization cycle
- stay close to your circle of competence (large number of smart people making efforts already in various spaces of fintech...) and find your edge