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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
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Basic terminology and notation
Operations on matrices
Particular types of matrices
Matrix equivalence
Canonical forms of matrices
Factorization of matrices
Similarity of matrices
Nonsingular matrices and equivalences
Rank and mullity
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Definition of eigenvalue of a matrix
Definition of eigenvector of a matrix
Every matrix has an eigenvalue over the complex numbers.
Eigenvalues and operations on matrices
Eigenvectors with distinct eigenvalues are linearly independent.
Characteristic and minimal polynomials
The dimension of a eigenspace is less than or equal to the (algebraic) multiplicity of the eigenvalue.
Definition of trace of a matrix
Determinants and operations on matrices
Determinants axiomatically
The determinant of a matrix measures the area/volume of the parallelogram/parallelipiped determined by its columns.
The determinant of the matrix of a linear transformation is the factor by which the area/volume changes.
Definition of adjugate/classical adjoint of a matrix
A matrix is called ill-conditioned if it is nearly singular
The condition number of matrix measures how close it is to being singular
Definition of eigenvalue/characteristic value of a linear transformation
Definition of eigenvector/characteristic vector of a linear transformation
Definition of characteristic polynomial of a linear transformation
Definition of minimal polynomial of a linear transformation
The Cayley-Hamilton theorem for a linear transformation
The minimal polynomial of a linear transformation exists and is unique.
Definition of applying a polynomial to a linear transformation
A linear transformation on a finite dimentional nontrivial vector space has at least one eigenvalue.
Definition of eigenspace of a linear transformation
The eigenspace of a linear transformation is a nontrivial subspace.
Definition of invariant subspace of a linear transformation.
If a space is the direct sum of invariant subspaces
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Echelon matrices
Definition of unit matrix
Definition of permutation matrix
Elementary matrices
Triangular matrices
Block matrices
Symmetric matrices
Nilpotent matrices
Definition of orthogonal matrix
Unitary matrices
Definition of band matrix
Definition of Vandermonde matrix
Definition of Markov matrix
Hermitian matrices
Normal matrices
The eigenvalues of a triangular matrix are the entries on the main diagonal.
A matrix with real entries has eigenvalues occurring in conjugate pairs.
Hermitian matrices have real eigenvalues.
Distinct eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix have orthogonal eigenvectors.
Definition of positive-definite matrix
Formula for the determinant of a 2-by-2 matrix.
Formula for the determinant of a 3-by-3 matrix.
The determinant of a triangular matrix is the product of the entries on the diagonal.
Theorem describing the determinants of elementary matrices.
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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
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Particular types of matrices
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Echelon matrices
Definition of unit matrix
Definition of permutation matrix
Elementary matrices
Triangular matrices
Block matrices
Symmetric matrices
Nilpotent matrices
Definition of orthogonal matrix
Unitary matrices
Definition of band matrix
Definition of Vandermonde matrix
Definition of Markov matrix
Hermitian matrices
Normal matrices
The eigenvalues of a triangular matrix are the entries on the main diagonal.
A matrix with real entries has eigenvalues occurring in conjugate pairs.
Hermitian matrices have real eigenvalues.
Distinct eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix have orthogonal eigenvectors.
Definition of positive-definite matrix
Formula for the determinant of a 2-by-2 matrix.
Formula for the determinant of a 3-by-3 matrix.
The determinant of a triangular matrix is the product of the entries on the diagonal.
Theorem describing the determinants of elementary matrices.
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