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QChemistry and Drug Design

Results signal important advances in the commercialization of Quantum Chemistry applications

Quantum computing: the power to think outside the box

With potential uses in healthcare and finance, the technology promises to revolutionise computing
three areas: computational chemistry, machine learning, and optimization problems

Biology takes a quantum leap
Evidence is beginning to emerge that quantum effects play a role in biological processes such as photosynthesis


  • GTN

  • ProteinQ

A quantum alternating operator ansatz with hard and soft constraints for lattice protein folding

Additionally, we performed a proof-of-concept QPU implementation. Using a divide-and-conquer approach together with the XYback mixer Hamiltonian we successfully folded the mini protein PSVK on a planar lattice with a QAOA circuit on Rigettiā€™s 19Q-Acorn processor. With respect to nearterm NISQ computers, the new encoding as well as the new mixer Hamiltonians might not only improve the solution quality but also be beneficial in terms of practicality depending on the chip topology and the available universal gate set.