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are Binary NNs good enough?

Ternary NNetworks

2016 Ternary weight networks Zhang, Liu


2017 - a video lecture by Han Harware and Software Co-design


Take a look at Fig. 1 in (Zhang,Liu). You can see that the accuracy of BNN saturates at some level which is noticeably lower than for full precision and Ternary NNs.

A conclusion - probably, Binary NNs are not good enough for some essential reasons (not clear structural reasons?)

but 2-bit (weights and activation) cells are good enough

Collapsing the weights and the unlimited range of ReLU-generated activations into four discrete bins, as required for 2-bit inference computations, causes large accuracy losses for deep learning inference.
Combining the PACT and SAWB advances allows us to perform deep learning inference computations with high accuracy down to 2-bit precision.

a short summary from IBM - 2018 Highly Accurate Deep Learning Inference with 2-bit Precision

The proposed scheme achieves zero accuracy degradation for AlexNet
quantized down to 2-bits for weights and activations without requiring any increase in the network size

hardware 9.1 A 7nm 4-Core AI Chip with 25.6TFLOPS Hybrid FP8 Training, 102.4TOPS INT4 Inference and Workload-Aware Throttling

  • particular techniques

2017 Quantized Neural Networks: Training Neural Networks with Low Precision Weights and Activations - Hubara, Matthieu Courbariaux,etc

1-bit weight and 2-bit activation achieves decent accuracy

2018? Two-Step Quantization for Low-bit Neural Networks Wang,Hu, etc


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