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ARM cortex for ML

Infineon 32-bit XMC™ Industrial Microcontroller based on Arm® Cortex®-M

Machine Learning on Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers

we present CMSIS-NN, an open-source
library of optimized software kernels that maximize
the NN performance on Cortex-M cores with minimal
memory footprint overhead


To quantify the benefits of CMSIS-NN kernels over existing solutions, we also implemented a baseline version using a 1D convolution function (arm_conv from CMSIS-DSP), Caffe-like pooling and ReLU.
For the CNN application, Table I summarizes the comparison results of the baseline Runtime (ms) functions and the CMSIS-NN kernels. The CMSIS-NN kernels achieve 2.6X to 5.4X improvement in runtime/throughput over the baseline functions. The energy efficiency improvement is also in line with the throughput improvement.


2019 Efficient Neural Network Deployment for Microcontroller Hasan Unlu