Boson peak in glasses
We discovered evidence suggestive of the equality of the boson
peak frequency to the Ioffe–Regel limit for ‘transverse’ phonons, above which transverse phonons no longer propagate. Our results
indicate a possibility that the origin of the boson peak is transverse vibrational modes associated with defective soft structures in
the disordered state. Furthermore, we suggest a possible link between slow structural relaxation and fast boson peak dynamics in
glass-forming systems.
- Turlakov 2003 Universal sound absorption in low-temperature glasses
Phenomenologically assuming a sharp decrease of shear relaxation time for large wavevector k > kξ
density modes (where kξ is of order of inverse of several interatomic distances a), I develop a general
elasto-hydrodynamic theory describing the low-energy excitations of glassy and amorphous solids
- Heterogeneous Elasticity: The tale of the boson peak Walter Schirmacher, Giancarlo Ruocco
Heterogeneous shear elasticity of glasses: the origin of the boson peak
... in the boson peak region are produced by spatial fluctuations of dilatation-free shear stresses
- van Hove
2011 Equivalence of the Boson Peak in Glasses to the Transverse Acoustic van Hove Singularity in Crystals
A. I. Chumakov
- 2017 Universal structural softening in metallic glasses indicated by boson heat capacity peak M. Q. Jiang,
A main finding of the present study is that the boson heat capacity peaks involving both phonic and electronic contributions show an inversely linear correlation between their heights and position temperatures
... can be understood in terms of transverse soft modes associated with local soft regions
We further suggest a possibility that the linear evolution of the fast boson peaks can probe into the slow structural softening across the glass transition, and the two dynamic processes are controlled by the short-time shear modulus associated with local soft regions in fragile glasses
Baggioli 2019 Vibrational density of states and specific heat in glasses from random matrix theory
The model is also able to reproduce, for the first time, the experimentally observed inverse proportionality between the boson peak in the specific heat and the shear modulus
The linear in T regime is controlled by the low-frequency side of the random matrix spectrum, which goes as D(ω) = Aω + B, stemming
directly from the Marchenko-Pastur scaling in the low eigenvalue regime,This result shows that at very low T the specific heat of the random spring network is linear in T, and that this
behaviour is controlled by random matrix statistics and its interplay with the Goldstone phonons.
- linear-T specific heat
2019 From random matrix theory to linear-in-T specific heat in glasses Matteo Baggioli, Rico Milkus, Alessio Zaccone
The model is also able to reproduce, for the first time, the experimentally
observed inverse proportionality between the boson peak in the specific heat and the shear modulus
2020 A new paradigm for the low-T glassy-like thermal properties of solids
New experimental and theoretical observations have questioned the origin of the boson peak and the linear in T specific heat exclusively from disorder and TLS.
Using the formal analogy between phason modes (e.g. in quasicrystals and incommensurate lattices) and
diffusons, and between amplitude modes and optical phonons, we suggest the existence of a more
universal physics behind these properties.
- anharmonism and damping
Universal Origin of Boson Peak Vibrational Anomalies in Ordered Crystals and in Amorphous Materials 2019 Matteo Baggioli
Shvaika, Schirmacher, Rucco - Absence of a boson peak in anharmonic phonon models with Akhiezer-type damping
Reply to Shvaika et al.: Presence of a boson peak in anharmonic phonon models with Akhiezer-type damping
2009 Connection between Boson Peak and Elastic Properties in Silicate Glasses
- universal?
Unified theory of vibrational spectra in hard amorphous materials 2020