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Metal-Insulator transition at finite T

2005 Metal-insulator transition in a weakly interacting many-electron system with localized single-particle states

D.M. Basko, I.L. Aleiner, B.L. Altshuler

Possible experimental manifestations of the many-body localization

When phonons are the main source of inelastic scattering, the answer is given by Mott’s variable range hopping formula (Mott, 1968a)

do electron-hole pairs themselves provide a suitable bath in a localized system, thus validating Eq. (6)?
The crucial point is that as long as electron-electron interaction is local in space (here we do not consider long-range interactions).....this problem which was first pointed out by Fleishman and Anderson (1980). The conclusion can be stated as follows: electron-hole excitations can cause finite conductivity only if the temperature of the system exceeds some critical value. At lower temperatures σ(T ) vanishes exactly

Perturbation theory approaches to Anderson and Many-Body Localization: some lecture notes