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Author:Mihail Turlakov
# Landau-Fermi liquid of helium-three ## general - What happens to **Liquid Helium 3 very low Temperatures? By E. R. Dobbs**, London ++++++ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/phbl.19760321214 - [”localised Fermi liquid” of helium-3 and small/large Fermi surface - microscopic theory!](https://knowen-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/file/5380/RevModPhys.56.99.pdf) Vollhard Normal 3He: an almost localized Fermi liquid - [New microscopic description of liquid 3He](https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=58amEmwAAAAJ&cstart=600&pagesize=100&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=58amEmwAAAAJ:XiSMed-E-HIC) Authors **JP Bouchaud**, C Lhuillier⏎ ⏎ - Landau’s theory of Fermi liquids Florian Deman, Danil Platonov, Mobin Shakeri https://phas.ubc.ca/~berciu/TEACHING/PHYS502/PROJECTS/FeLi.pdf - Abrikosov-Khalatnikov [Fermi liquid for Helium-3](https://knowen-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/file/5388/PU1958v001n01ABEH003086.pdf) $k_{He3} = 0.76 * 10^8 cm^{-1}$ $m_{eff} = 1.43 * m_{He_3} $ ## ..... Fermi liquid parameters - $\rho_{He^3} = m_{He^3} \frac{k_F^3}{3 \pi^3}$ $m_{He^3} = 6.64*10^{-24} g$, then $k_F \simeq 0.7*10^8 cm^{-1}$ - effective mass $m^\star_{He^3}$ specific heat slope $\frac{C}{T} \equiv \gamma \simeq 3 cal/(mole*deg^2)$ experimentally as well as $\gamma = \frac{k_F m_F^\star}{3 \hbar^2}$ **Therefore** $m^\star_F = ?* m_{He^3}$ ## SNSs - **can we calculate the mass density of Glassons? what fraction of the total density is it?** from $k_F$ and $m_F$ we should be able to calculate the mass density of glassons. Then compare with the density of $He^3$ as well as the density of amorphous solid! **fermion-glasson mass seems to be 1-2 order of magnitude LIGHTER THAN a light atom like helium-3** - density of fermions and their effective size $ k_F \sim 1/a $ where $a$ is the interparticle distance # Parents * Helium-three
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