Now you are in the subtree of TECHNOLOGY and MARKETS public knowledge tree. 

Inflation - 2020-2030 - T&M

big contributors

Covid in 2020
Ukraine war in 2022

  • deflation - the lesson of 2010-2020

population becoming older (average age)


Fistful of Dollars with Michael Green, Hugh Hendry, and Tom Roderick
Hedge Funds vs ETFs, 70s Inflation vs Now, & Commodities vs CTAs with Simplify's Mike Green
Eric Basmajian: Housing IS The Business Cycle

equities is 10T us investable class

  • LNG

RUSSIA - EUROPEAN GAS CRISIS as Supply is CUT OFF & Russia Imposes SANCTIONS on Gas Transmission
СПГ - «молекулы американской свободы»: как США собираются заменить российский газ?

6perc inflation NOW. house prices are up 32perc from 2019, family income is only 10perc up
housing affordability as if mortgage rates are 8perc!
financial sector/banks are stable

main diff from 1970s is high government debt. In 2050 USA debt will be 202perc with rates 1.75perc

Bitcoin - should work for rapid USD devaluation, not the case now
Bitcoin - a generational divide
