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Analogies - UR war

with 1st World War

Isolation of Germany led to 2nd World War.
But Soviet Union and Germany were cooperating up to 1939 and captured Poland from two sides.

a question - how to prevent post-agressions by Russia?

  • possible routes for Russia post-2nd Ukranian War

a) internal revolt and a change of government
a1. military government a2. moderates
b) economic isolation
b1. weak North Korea b2. strong nazi-Germany 2.0

with 2nd World War

powerful country was defeated. Necessary to have a vision for people - Marshall plan


North Korea


“The demise of the Soviet Union,” Putin said, “was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century”: in 1991, it enabled Ukraine to claim independence.

In the nuclear age, Stalin was careful. In 1948, he tested US resolve in the Berlin blockade but, faced with a defiant airlift, he retreated; in 1950, he launched the Korean War – but carefully kept his distance, using North Koreans and Chinese as proxies

At 69, Putin is the same age as Stalin when he blockaded Berlin. It is hard to imagine anyone could be more isolated than the old Stalin

As this atrocious war and Western sanctions corrode Russian society, Stalinist terror will become essential to Putin’s hold on power