History & Comments
Author:Mihail Turlakov
# eFX - intro ## [FX trade execution: complex and highly fragmented - BIS review](https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1912g.pdf) **the market grew bigger as a whole, the share of trading activity `visible´ to the broader market declined.** https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/042315/how-do-currency-swaps-work.asp#:~:text=FX%20Swaps%20and%20Cross%20Currency%20Swaps&text=Technically%2C%20a%20cross%2Dcurrency%20swap,payments%2C%20but%20not%20all%20do. - **Electronification advanced most rapidly in dealer-to-customer trading**, while the electronic share of interdealer trading decreased. Activity has also gravitated more to dealers’ proprietary liquidity pools and away from primary inter-dealer venues **Yet there are signs that fragmentation may be reaching its peak** - A rise in intermediation within dealers’ proprietary liquidity pools contributed to a decline in the share of “visible” FX trading in spot markets. This decline in electronic inter-dealer trading was driven principally by internalisation, whereby dealers temporarily warehouse risk arising from client transactions until it is offset against opposing client flow - **Customers and dealers responded to market fragmentation by executing trades across a large number of electronic venues.** during periods of stress, FX dealers might ration liquidity and **favour clients with whom they have a strong relationship**, such as those using their single-bank platform ## https://events.fx-markets.com/bestbanks ## https://www.euromoney.com/surveys/foreign-exchange-survey https://www.db.com/news/detail/20210707-deutsche-bank-regains-top-3-ranking-in-euromoney-fx-survey?language_id=1 - not important? https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1lp47n3p6t3zf/fx-survey-2020-multi-dealer-platform-rankings # Parents * Markets - FX
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