04/19/2016 22:55 - JM made a change creation to the node Problem set 5 (assigned 4/19, due 4/28).
04/13/2016 23:44 - JM made a change creation to the node Quantum impurity models: Anderson and Kondo
03/31/2016 20:51 - JM made a change creation to the node Problem set 4 (assigned 3/31/16, due 4/14/16)
03/30/2016 22:46 - JM made a change creation to the node Topological phases (including long notes)
03/29/2016 18:23 - JM made a change creation to the node Topological phases (including long notes)
03/29/2016 18:18 - JM made a change creation to the node Introduction to localization by disorder
03/29/2016 18:14 - JM made a change solutions to the node Problem set 2 (assigned 2/15, due 2/25)
03/09/2016 00:01 - JM made a change fixed pset to the node Problem set 3 (assigned 3/3, due 3/17)
03/08/2016 19:38 - JM made a change extended to the node Diagrammatics
03/08/2016 19:13 - JM made a change creation to the node Diagrammatics
JM hasn't followed anyone yet