Xiaopeng Li
About me
Xiaopeng is an AMO/CM theorist with broad interests in quench dynamics, many-body localization, topological States, orbital physics, and complex oxides. Xiaopeng got his PhD from University of Pittsburgh, and is presently a postdoctoral researcher at University of Maryland--College Park. He is on the track of moving to Fudan University, Shanghai, China as an associate professor.
06/08/2016 17:28 - Xiaopeng Li made a change Dong's update to the node Proposed discussions
06/08/2016 17:16 - Xiaopeng Li made a change Xiaopeng's update to the node Proposed discussions
06/05/2016 19:43 - Xiaopeng Li made a change updated node by xiaopeng to the node Many-body localization
06/05/2016 19:42 - Xiaopeng Li made a change updated node by xiaopeng to the node Many-body localization
06/05/2016 19:41 - Xiaopeng Li made a change updated node by xiaopeng to the node Many-body localization
06/05/2016 19:40 - Xiaopeng Li made a change updated node to the node Many-body localization
06/03/2016 02:24 - Xiaopeng Li made a change updated node to the node Many-Body Localization: Non-Ergodic Metal from Interacting Localized and Extended Orbitals
06/03/2016 02:23 - Xiaopeng Li made a change updated node to the node Many-Body Localization: Non-Ergodic Metal from Interacting Localized and Extended Orbitals
06/03/2016 02:22 - Xiaopeng Li made a change Draft saved to the node Proposed talks
06/03/2016 02:18 - Xiaopeng Li made a change created node to the node Many-Body Localization: Non-Ergodic Metal from Interacting Localized and Extended Orbitals
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