Now you are in the subtree of TECHNOLOGY and MARKETS public knowledge tree. 

Introductory Reading

Getting started with Bitcoin, blockchains, and cryptoassets by Stephen McKeon

An Introduction to Bitcoin Valuation by Sath Ganesarajah

The economics of digital currencies by BoE (Robleh Ali)

Buyer Beware by Fred Wilson

The Eureka Moment That Made Bitcoin Possible behind any discovery there must be a physicist (humor)? moreover, for 20-30 years working at Bell Labs...

Bitcoin may need to prove itself

One of the strongest finance-based and government-regulation arguments - Bitcoin is a bearer bond. The risks and history of such an instrument, letter of credit, didn't work for financial system

Bitcoin is a fashion statement. I don’t say that to be pejorative. I say that as high praise. It’s a brilliant marriage of art and commerce,
and that’s a lot. Unfortunately that’s not enough for some
by Ben Hunt (one of my favourite market-psychology observers and a portfolio manager)


So just what are the benefits of “crypto” anyway? Part 1 Simon Taylor

Centralisation doesn’t work for financial markets because you can’t centralise balance sheets without centralising risk and jurisdiction
The internet giant / platform company business model is running into problems
The crypto world is weird and incredible small compared to financial markets, but there might be magic in there