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Chaos, Quantum


154 Berry, M V, 1986, ‘Riemann’s zeta function: a model for quantum chaos?’ in Quantum chaos and statistical nuclear physics, eds. T H Seligman and H Nishioka, Springer Lecture Notes in Physics No. 263, 1-17. BERRY154

165 Berry, M V, 1987, New Scientist, 19 November, 44-47, ‘Quantum physics on the edge of chaos’. BERRY165

169 Berry, M V, 1987, Semiclassical chaology in Quantum measurement and chaos, eds. E R Pike and Sarben Sarkar, Plenum, NATO ASI series B, vol.161, pp 81-87. BERRY169

177 Berry, M V, 1988, ‘Classical chaos and quantum eigenvalues’ in Order and Chaos in nonlinear physical systems, eds. Stig Lundqvist, Norman H March and Mario P Tosi; Plenum Press, New York and London) 341-348. BERRY177

191 Berry, M V, 1989, ‘Quantum chaology, not quantum chaos’, Physica Scripta 40 335-336. BERRY191

210 Berry, M V and Keating, J P, 1990 J.Phys.A 23 4839-4849, ‘A rule for quantizing chaos?’. BERRY210

220 Berry, M V, 1991 in ‘Quantum Chaos’, Eds. H A Cerdeira, R Ramaswamy, M C Gutzwiller and G Casati, ‘Introductory remarks’, pp. vii-viii. BERRY220

224 Berry, M V, 1991 In ‘Nonlinear and chaotic Phenomena in Plasmas, Solids and Fluids’, Eds: W Rozmus and J A Tuszynski (World Scientific) ‘Quantal reflections of classical chaos’ (Abstract), p.2. BERRY224

229 Berry, M V, 1992 in ‘The New Scientist guide to chaos’, ed: Nina Hall (Penguin Books: London), ‘Quantum physics on the edge of chaos’, pp 184-195 (reprint of item 165).

231 Berry, M V, 1992 in ‘New Trends in Nuclear Collective Dynamics’, eds: Y Abe, H Horiuchi and K Matsuyanagi (Springer proceedings in Physics 58), ‘True Quantum Chaos?’ An Instructive Example’, pp 183-186. BERRY231

264 Berry, M V, 1995 in Quantum systems: new trends and methods (eds. A O Barut, I D Feranchuk, Ya M Shnir and L M Tomil ‘chik) World Scientifc, 387 – 392, ‘Quantum mechanics, chaos and the Riemann zeros’. BERRY264

277 Berry, M V, 1997, Nexus News February, pp 4-5, interview by Nina Hall: ‘Caustics, catastrophes’ and quantum chaos’. BERRY277

337 Berry, M V, 2001 ‘Chaos and the semiclassical limit of quantum mechanics (is the moon there when somebody looks?)’, in Quantum Mechanics: Scientific perspectives on divine action (eds: Robert John Russell, Philip Clayton, Kirk Wegter-McNelly and John Polkinghorne), Vatican Observatory CTNS publications, pp 41-54. BERRY337