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QTech talks

a good collection of videos

Quantum Talks

Hartmut Neven - Google's Quantum AI Lab

Part of BlueYard Conversation: A Quantum Leap The Path to True Quantum Computing: Bridging the Gap from Academia to Real World Applications Participants: IonQ (Dave Moehring), Cambridge Quantum Computing (Ilyas Khan), QuTech/TU Delft (Freeke Heijman-te Paske), University of Sydney (Michael Biercuk), University of Oxford/NQIT (Simon Benjamin)
Moderator: Jason Palmer (The Economist)

Quantum tech: from science to the market - Tommaso Calarco, Serguei Beloussov & Robert Clark

(selected) Educational QTech talks

a16z podcasts- quantum computing and, in particular, a16z Podcast: Quantum Leap

Quantum Machine Learning – Seth Lloyd

20th March 2018 – Meetup – Quantum Computing Startup Panel Discussion (1:50:25)

2nd May 2018 – Quantum Computing: Untangling the Hype – The Royal Institution (1:33:22)

Artur Ekert and Harry Buhrman, physicists noted for their work in quantum cryptography and quantum computing respectively

collection of talks from Meetups from Skills matter

Tech talks

Engineering the quantum future of computing - introduction

In this talk, the co-founder of quantum computing company SeeQC Matthew Hutchings will present a brief introduction to quantum computing, giving an overview of the hardware platforms competing in the exciting race to develop the first quantum computers powerful enough to beat today's most advanced classical supercomputers.

TEDxPerm - Serguei Beloussov - New Technologies - New Opportunities

Building a global technology company from Eastern Europe - talk by Serguei Beloussov