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Aggregation Theory and Secrets

Here’s why this works: when we think about the worst way to do something, our brains all of a sudden get a lot more creative
everyday businesses secrets What’s an industry secret in the field you work in?

distinguishing aggregators and platforms

owning the demand than owning (your own) supply

Money Out of Nowhere: How Internet Marketplaces Unlock Economic Wealth

Internet Crowds and Personal Space

Twitter is live: live commentary, live connections, live conversations

Today the fundamental impact of the Internet is to make distribution itself a cheap commodity — or in the case of digital content, completely free

The weakness of Twitter, in contrast, is its unwieldy reliance on humans, to build their own feeds, to find a new network, to broadcast to potentially no one what they think

Kahneman’s career shows that intellectual influence is the ability to dissolve disciplinary boundaries.