Amplitude Spectroscopy of driven flux qubits and Mesoscopic fluctuations like effects

Weakly disordered electronic mesoscopic systems exhibit, at milikelvin temperatures, fingerprints
of phase coherence. Among others phenomena, weak localization and universal conductance
fluctuations have been studied for years. Here we investigate similar effects in
flux qubits driven by a biharmonic magnetic signal with a phase lag, profit from a direct analogy between interference effects at avoided level crossings and scattering events in disordered mesoscopic systems. The transition rate between the ground and the excited state of the
flux qubit plays the role of an effective transmitance, while the phase lag acts as a time reversal control parameter. Using the Floquet Markov Master equation we predict clear signatures of both, weak localization and conductance fluctuations-like effects, whose behavior is compared to models that account for decoherence solely as a classical noise.