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Alternative data - specifics

alternative data in finance

  • inspiration

Matthew Granade – Inside Data Science at Point72 (First Meeting, EP.22) Capital Allocators
Matthew Granade Discusses Quantitative Investment (Podcast) Masters in Business

specific discussion about Twitter wealth of alternative data during 2020 coronavirus period by Ben Breitholtz of Arbor Data Science

financial exchanges

In twenty years, exchanges have gone from clubby firms to huge conglomerates

They control everything from the software powering back offices to the data pored over by investors

and in Russia too Чего хотят инвесторы «Ромир» выяснил инвестиционные предпочтения россиян

Geo-location data from over 50m mobile devices, tracked to 15m POI and 1000 brands. Has raised $16m in funding.