Short-run versus long-run - T&M
The evolution has a short-run and long-run principles. How does evolution become real? ... add here a discussion about ecorithms and AI
qualitative - general as well as Leverage, Uncertainty, and Edge in Finance tree
Goals vs Tactics with a16z's Marc Andreessen at Disrupt SF
- the paradox of of immediate evidence of achievement - video vs strategy
How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen
quantitative Finance - TREE and articles
you need to figure out your edge as well as when it matters
after how many trials does a short-run become a long-run (consistent profits)? Process-oriented at short-run, results-oriented at long run. The trick is to know what is a short-run.
- pursue my line of thinking - my pdf and Word (attached)
Jason Zweig on the velocity of learning and Active portfolio management
questions about utility function and changing environment Rational choice and the structure of the environment by Herbert Simon